[:pb]Pelo 2º ano consecutivo, AFESU aparece entre as 100 Melhores ONGs do Brasil!!![:en]AFESU is one the best NGOS of Brazil! [:]

dezembro 19, 2019

[:pb]É com imensa satisfação que anunciamos mais essa conquista especial no ano de 2019!

Fruto de muito trabalho e dedicação, a AFESU foi contemplada, pelo segundo ano consecutivo, entre as 100 Melhores ONGs Para Se Doar do Brasil! O prêmio, desenvolvido pelo Instituto Doar em parceria com a Rede Filantropia, é considerado o maior do terceiro setor brasileiro.

A partir de um criterioso processo, são avaliados grandes temas transversais que permitem verificar a gestão e transparência das organizações, tais como: causa e estratégia de atuação; representação e responsabilidade; gestão e planejamento; estratégia de financiamento; comunicação e prestação de contas.

A cerimônia de entrega de certificados ocorreu no Teatro J. Safra, em 18 de novembro, e reuniu entidades de todo o território nacional para uma noite de coquetel e palestras voltadas a temas de responsabilidade social. Durante o evento, também foram homenageadas ONGs que se destacaram por causa ou região do país.

Saber que, entre as mais de 280 mil entidades atuantes no Brasil, a AFESU se destaca como uma das 100 melhores, mostra que, sem dúvidas, estamos no caminho certo para o desenvolvimento de um país mais justo e inclusivo para nossas meninas, jovens e mulheres![:en]

Now a day, in Brazil, there are 300 thousand organization without financial ends, acting in different issues. However, having so many options can make the donor get lost. So to support these initiatives and recognize good practice of management and transparency in NGOs, Época Magazine, along with Doar Institute, created the Best NGOs in Brazil Award, which recognize every year 100 institutions that deserves to be an inspirations to others.

The award was also created to promote the donation’s culture. Marcelo Estraviz, founder of Doar Institute, said that the award gives visibility to the work made by these organizations that, voluntarily, open themselves to be audited by the criteria stablished. With this, Doar Institute expects to motivate donors to invest in this works, that are legitimized and has credibility given by the award.

“Receiving an award like this is beyond the recognition of a serious work and transparency that AFESU has, it is an opportunity to approach people, who, by apprehension, still haven’t pick a cause to support. Stimulating the donation culture is still a challenge in Brazil and initiatives like this promote the acquaintance of NGOs that do transforming and compromised work in different segments, complementing the universal policies oriented to overcoming the structural inequalities”, said Elis Kauahara, responsible for the Institutional Development area in AFESU.

In 2019, AFESU had the honor to be one of the 100 Best NGOs in Brazil and attended the awards event  promoted by Doar Institute, in partnership with  Rede Filantropia.

Through a lot of dedication and effort, AFESU reached the plateau of professionalization, which enabled this to be achieved. The organization was founded in 1963, by a group of voluntaries that taught sewing and crafts, with the mission to offer an activity that could help the income of women in vulnerable situation. Through the years, the organization enlarged its scope and now it has three units that offer Complementary Activities before and after school time, Professional Initiation and Technical Courses to women between 8 and 23 years old, with the purpose of promoting human dignity through the study, the work and the service to the community.

AFESU would like to thank everyone who participated in its journey up here and who allowed the institution to be among the 100 best in Brazil in 2019!


Unidades: Notícias
Tags: #AFESU, #FormaçãoQueTransforma, #InstitutoDoar, #JuntosTransformamosFuturos, #MelhoresONGs, #RedeFilantropia

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Rua Papa Gregorio Magno, 597 - Vila Missionária Tel: (11) 5612-3977
Av. José Giorgi 935 – Granja Viana II – Rod. Raposo Tavares, Km 26,5 Tel: (11) 4612-3180 | (11) 4551-5969
Morro Velho
Rua Pinto Serva, 67 – Jardim Taboão Tel: (11) 5845-2146 | Fax: (11) 5844-7070
São Paulo
Rua Augusta, 1939 - 13º Andar, Conj. 132 CEP: 01413-000 - (11) 3085-0919 [email protected]
Associação Feminina de Estudos Sociais e Universitários. CNPJ: 60.428.646/0001-04